Peace family,
I love to drink a fragrant, magical cup of hot tea. It calms the spirit and soothes the soul. But not just any tea. I'm a bit of a tea connoisseur, however my goal is to make you one too.
Once you start getting into tea, I mean truly drinking your herbs for their healing power, you'll find it hard to drink a cup of regular bagged black Lipton tea.
Loose leaf tea is the way to go because your herbs are going to be fresher, less processed, and not in a bag that was made from questionable ingredients.
Back in the beginning of DAWA, I use to buy tea bags and fill them up with herbs. I quickly stopped that practice because it got time consuming and my goal was to get folks to make medicinal cups of tea (larger quantities, stronger brews, etc. ) without the need for a tea bag that isn't sustainable.
To start your healing cup of tea journey, I recommend having a good strainer, quart mason jars or larger, and a stainless steel pot (stainless steel, and glass are the only ones that are not toxic).
To make your cup of tea a medicinal cup of tea, follow the below instructions:
Boil your water.
Measure out your herbs and place in glass jar. (see measurements below)
Pour hot water over herbs.
Cover your jar with a lid, be careful not to shake while hot.
Let sit or infuse for 30 minutes up to 12 hours.
A few notes to keep in mind:
This general way to make an infusion is best used for non aromatic herbs such as stinging Nettle or Red clover leaf. If making an aromatic herb like Lavendar or Mint, 10-30 minutes is all that is needed to infuse. (be sure to still cover with a lid)
A quart jar is what I use because it means that I'm drinking at least 3 cups a day. When drinking tea for healing, you want to be consistent, and you want to be intentional. Please refer to a professional for dosage and additional details.
To measure, generally 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces of water. When I'm making my quart jar, I typically use about an ounce. I'm a big fan of letting spirit tell you how much and how strong you like it. Feel free to invest in a kitchen scale, they are extremely helpful.
Invest in a good herbal handbook to keep on hand (stay tuned for a post on my favorite book recommendations.
The longer you let your tea infuse, the stronger more medicinal it will be. Taste it, make it multiple times, and determine what is best for you and your family.
Make tea time a ritual in your home. Even the babies and little ones deserve a cup of joy.
I typically leave my tea on the counter overnight and first thing in the morning ill stick it in the fridge. After about 12 hours of infusing, it can begin to degrade, which is why sticking it in the fridge is essential.
If you want to drink your tea war after letting it infuse, be sure to not boil it, as the hot temperature could kill all the magic that you just infused.
The simple act of drinking a warm beverage is healing in itself. To drink something warm, you have to slow down, you have to breathe, and relax, even if its just a little. So when you add healing plants to that hot beverage, imagine what happens next. Pure JOY!
Let's talk more about how I can assist you in more joyful living.
