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Natural Herbs


Learn more about our dynamic journey to JOY!

Tayler Clemm, DAWA Founder 

Peace! I amTayler...

...a Sun loving wellness enthusiast doing my best to find joy. 

My wellness journey began while taking an African history class in 2015.  That experience opened my eyes to the greatness of my ancestors and it sparked a flame that continues to grow the more I look back. 

Learning the truth helped me to fall in love with nature, especially plants. I studied under multiple herbalist, urban farmers and transformed my home into a mini edible forest.

The journey elevated when I became a mother. My 3 children were all created, birthed, and cared for in sacred and ancestral ways. Naturally, I began helping other families have joyful childbirth experiences. 

My greatest loves are my family, nature, learning new things, and dancing to liberation music. 


Driven by my passion, I seek to reignite the DAWA MAMA (Medicine Woman) within every woman across the nation.

Who is a DAWA MAMA? 

​A DAWA MAMA is a woman who uses nature to heal herself, her family, and her nation. DAWA’s vision is that every home has a DAWA MAMA that will pass on a healing legacy for many generations to come.

Beautiful Nature

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire women and families to adopt ancestral practices that nourish our bodies and respect the Earth;

freeing us in mind, body, and spirit.

Our Core Values


Our movement is driven by love. We breathe love, we speak LOVE, we move in LOVE. We promise to apply LOVE to everything that we do.


We speak the Truth, seek the Truth, and lead with the Truth. We use the truth to positively impact lives and prioritize doing what's right. In times of uncertainty we are committed to continued education, and maintaining honesty and fairness.


Mother Nature is the most high. When love and respect is given to the earth, life will continue to grow anew. We are committed to holistic and sustainable practices that make positive impacts on the earth. 



We are guided by the principle of Sankofa from the Akan people, which  emphasizes learning from the past to shape the future.


Our futures are greatly determined by our ability to remain mentally and spiritually at peace, despite life's challenges and noise. We strive to foster peace and calmness in the minds and hearts of everyone we touch.


Faith is believing in yourself and your connection to something greater— your ancestors, Creator, purpose.

It grounds you, offers strength, and reminds you that you have the power to move forward with resilience.


Hi! I am Courtney ...

 ...and I am honored to serve as Creative Advisor at DAWA.


My wellness journey started long before I realized it. Growing up, I watched family members suffer from illnesses tied to the environment and the foods we consume, which left a lasting impression on me. I knew if I wanted a different outcome, I had to take charge of my health, time, and energy.


Through my relationship with DAWA, I found a path and purpose that have guided me ever since. I’m passionate about helping others reconnect with the products and timeless teachings of our ancestors to create a more balanced and purposeful life.

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